Welcome to Sittingbourne Baptist Church Website

Forgiveness Street – The Road we must all travel

Good Friday ‘Walk of Witness’ through the high street (9.30am). Followed by a service at SBC. Preaching from Nathan Gordon. Service led by David Casse.


Carols by Candlelight

All are welcome to our yearly carol service, as we focus on events surrounding the birth of Christ and ask, “Peace where are you”? Service and preaching from Rev. Nathan Gordon.


Evening carols around the town

An evening of carol singing and spreading cheer around Sittingbourne


Holiday Club – 2023

It’s the summer break and Holiday Club is back. A fun time for kids – Get your registration form here.


Easter Friday

Our Good Friday begins with the Walk of Witness, followed by a Communion service. Preaching from Nathan Gordon.


Carol Singing Around Sittingbourne

Carol singing around the Sittingbourne neighbourhood. We will be meeting at the church for 6.30pm, before heading out. Please bring a torch.


World Day of Prayer 2021 – Venuata

World Day of Prayer 5th March 2021 – This year has a focus on the islands of Venuata.


Christmas spoken here!

Sunday Evening: December 22nd 2019 – 6.30 pm. Carols by Candlelight, led by Chris Hughes, where we read, sing and tell the Christmas story, the theme being – “Christmas spoken here!”


Carol Singing in Sittingbourne

Sunday Evening: December 8th 2019 – 6.30 pm. Carol Singing in the Community, led by Richard Sills.


No Service

Sunday Evening: June 9th 2019. No evening service at SBC. Instead, joining with the other churches at Holy Trinity church.


Christians Against Poverty

Sunday Evening: May 19th 2019 – 6pm. No service at SBC, instead we are supporting CAP at the Methodist church.


Film or Testimony

Easter Sunday Evening: April 21st 2019 – 6.30pm. A choice of Film at SBC or Witness at RCOG


Good Friday Service

Friaday Morning: April 19th 2019 – 10:30am. Good Friday morning service – including communion. Service led by Chris Hughes.
