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Faithfulness under pressure

We continue our new sermon series looking at faulty heroes in the bible. Preaching from Brian Dickson and virtual service led by Beverley Sills.
This service will include virtual communion.




Sermon Notes


Answering the call

Gideon was fully aware of the difficulties the nation of Israel faced when God raised him up to restore the nation. Who was Gideon that God should call him to such an overwhelming task?

The Bible says that the saints are ‘the called’, we Christians are ‘chosen’, and just like Gideon, the task set before us is daunting and yet, God is with us as we do his work for his church, as humble servants.


Be confident in who God says you are

The task facing Gideon was immense, and looking at the challenges that faced him, these seemed to cause him to be uncertain in his ability to get the job done, a job that God had called him to do.

Likewise, the challenges facing the church to fulfil its two overarching mandates, are hampered not just by the overwhelming opposition, but now we have additional restrictions due to the global pandemic.


God’s way – the hard way

When Gideon received the call and when he had finally settled his heart and mind on the task at hand, he went about building his army to take on a formidable opposition. Though he no doubt made every effort and did the best he could, it most certainly was not what God had in mind. What God did next would likely have made anyone else throw in the towel.


Into 2021

With 2020 now firmly behind us, how can we be confident in the year ahead, especially when it does not seem as if things are getting any better? Well, stay tuned for some good news.




Questions and study

  1. How different do you think our lives would be today, if we had no government and no monarchy, and just lived under God’s 10 commandments? (A type of theocracy)
  2. What was special about the angel that spoke with Gideon? (ch.6 v.11)
  3. Can you name other instances in the Bible where this special angel is spoken of?
  4. Does fear or a lack of self-confidence affect or prevent you from living a Godly life?
  5. With the current restriction of Covid and the effects on our life and church, what sort of things can we do to keep us spiritually fed and motivated in 2021?



Sermon Details

Title: Gideon – Faithfulness under pressure
Reading: Read: Judges 6:1-10
Preacher: Brian Dickson


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