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God’s view on divorce

This week concludes our sermon series entitled ‘Family Issues’. Preaching from Brian Dickson. Service led by Terri Whiston.

Sermon Notes

Nobody sets out to get divorced, so why do so many marriages fail?

In our society today, there is a trend either not to marry or put it off till later in life. There are many reasons why a marriage may fail. A person’s attitude towards marriage could well have a great effect on success or failure of that marriage.

God’s view on divorce

There are very few reasons for divorce mentioned in scripture (v11-12). In our scripture reading, Jesus is being tested by the religious leaders on marriage and divorce (and not for the first time). Jesus does not seek to contradict scripture in the Old Testament Law, but rather, he establishes the fact that marriage was instituted by God.

Marriage is from God

Jesus tells the Pharisees that God made marriage for man, right at the beginning of creation (v6). He goes on to tell them that God has sanctified marriage, and that God is involved in the act of this ‘joining together’.

The effects of a breakdown in marriage

We are all subject to weaknesses and given to sin. Even a gentle but relentless washing of the tide, can wear down a rock. We can start off well in a relationship but find later our path begins to gather weeds and obstacles and if not corrected, can lead to an unresolvable mess. This affects all involved, spouses and particularly if any children.  Whatever our situation, looking for love, in a strong marriage or struggling to hang on; we need to go to God who is not insensitive to our situation. He wants us to pray to him and involve him in our lives.

Questions for further study

1) Nobody sets out to get divorced, so why do so many marriages fail?

2) Is marriage important to God? (Mark 10:6-9)

3.a) What are the main reasons God says it’s okay to divorce? (Examples: Rom 7:1-3, Mark 10:10-12)

3.b) Why do you think there are so few valid reasons God gives to divorce?

3.c) Why is the option of separation an important option? (1 Corinthians 7:10–11)

4) Discuss the common effects of a breakdown in marriage.

5) What effect should God’s restrictions on Divorce have on those seeking to marry?

Service Details

Sermon Title: God’s view on divorce
Bible Reading: Mark 10:2-12
Preacher: Brian Dickson
Worship Leader: Terri Whiston

Service Audio here

View Service Video here

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