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How important is Repentance?

We continue with our sermon series “The church goes out”. With preaching from Nathan Gordon and our service led by Brian Dickson.

Sermon Notes

How important is repentance?

As we journey through the Book of Acts this morning, we are looking at chapter 3 and the ramifications of the lame man’s healing at the gate beautiful. Peter took advantage of the crowd’s interest in the man’s healing and decided to proclaim the good news of Jesus and challenge the crowd to receive Christ into their lives.

What is Repentance?

Repentance simply means

Repentance is not

  • Trying to atone for sin through hard work and willpower
  • Punishing yourself with guilt

*Only God through Jesus Christ can forgive sin in our lives

Repentance leading to conversion

  • Peter’s direct challenge to the onlookers
  • The Israelites acted in ignorance (v17)
  • The challenge to turn away from ignorance and invite Jesus Christ into their hearts through faith.
  • Correlation between Acts 2:38 & Acts 3:19
  • Genuine repentance will lead to a time of refreshing (v19) and restitution of all things. (21)

Challenge – Like the Israelite onlookers after witnessing the lame man’s miraculous healing, are we too impressed with signs and wonders more than the inward transformative power of turning to God for the forgiveness of sin?

Our relationship with repentance as Christians today?

  • Should form part of our daily devotion
  • Whenever we sin knowingly (James 4:17) (Psalm 51)
  • The difference between repentance of conversion and repentance as a disciple of Jesus Christ

Challenge – through a healthy discipline of repentance each day we allow the Holy Spirit to refine and help us to be more like Jesus. Have we become stagnant in our prayers of repentance? This week allow the refreshing presence of the Holy Spirit to renew your mind, body, and spirit through prayers of repentance.


1.         What do you notice about the response of the people to the miracle?
2.         Do you think the events of Acts 3 can happen today? Could they happen through you? Discuss the reasons behind your answers.
3.         Why do you think the call to repentance can be a difficult message to understand for unbelievers?4.         Discuss verse 15 “You killed the author of life”…..do you think Peter’s hard-hitting message was needed or appropriate?
5.         How do we communicate and explain repentance to non-Christians today?

Service Details

Sermon Title: How important is Repentance?
Bible Reading: Acts 3
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Worship Leader: Brian Dickson

Download Sermon here

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