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Raised for our Justification

Continuing our morning sermon series entitled – “RESURRECTION REALITIES”.


Justification is usually defined as the Christian being declared free of sin in the sight of God because Jesus has paid the due penalty through His death on the cross.


1. How do we achieve justification?

Through faith in Christ  which gives us peace with God (Romans 5:1) because of Christ’s great love for us and His death on the cross.

We are therefore justified by Christ’s shed blood (Romans 5:9) and

reconciled to God (Romans 5:10).

The Bible is very clear that we cannot achieve justification either through good works or doing the right ceremonies. (Ephesians 2: 5/6).


2. What practical steps are necessary to achieve justification?

(i) We have to hear the gospel (Romans 10:17).

This is why it is incumbent on every church and every Christian to share the gospel of Christ.

(ii) We have to believe the gospel (Mark 16:16).

We can sit in church and hear the gospel until the day we die, but unless we take the step of belief and trust Christ, it will be of no value to us.

(iii) We have to repent of our sins (Acts 2:38).

This means both being sorry, making amends and also resolving to

forsake our sinful life. This can be done partly through an act of will and partly in the strength of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).


3. Signs of justification in the life of the Christian.

(i) A desire to witness for Christ and see others saved.

(Romans 10:9/10)

(ii) Baptism, as a symbol of being dead to sin and alive to Christ.

(Romans 6:2-4)

(iii) A desire to serve God faithfully.



Service Details

Theme: Justification – What Does It Mean To The Christian?
Reading: Romans 4:25
Preacher: Alan Cole
Led by: Robin Brenchley


Download Sermon Here



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