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The Power of The Gospel


The Power of The Gospel

Acts 8:4-25, 26-40 & 16:16-34

 The Book of Acts, the second division of the four new testament divisions is an action-packed account penned by Luke, depicting the activities of the early Church and Christians.

The Great Commission is now underway and the Apostles are actively preaching the good news in Jerusalem.

However, it wasn’t until a violent storm of persecution  broke out against the Christians, that all except some of the apostles, were scattered throughout Judea, Samaria and ultimately other parts of the world.

Although persecution against the Church was a major difficulty, it somehow through the divine plan of God caused the Gospel to reach throughout Judea, Samaria and to other parts of the world. This action fulfilled the commands of Jesus in Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Today, we are going to look at 3 accounts with a similar trend to each story. The Apostles preached the good news and the people respond to the Gospel by believing in their hearts, and further demonstrating their belief outwardly through the waters of Baptism.


So buckle your seatbelts and let’s explore the Biblical

accounts of the Gospel at work in the lives of Gods people.


Simon the Sorcerer & Samaritans (Acts 8:4-25)

A. Simon performed magic for a living

B. Simon was popular in Samaria

C. The people of Samaria believed Simon to be

‘The Great Power of the Divine’

D. Phillip preaches the Gospel in Samaria, Simon and

others in the city accept the Gospel message

E. Simon and others in the city are Baptised in water


The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

A. An esteemed official from Ethiopia In charge of the

Queen of Ethiopia’s treasury

B. Travelling back to Ethiopia after spending time in
Jerusalem worshipping.

C. Phillip breaks down an old testament prophecy from the
words Isaiah, in connection with Jesus and the Gospel.

D. The Eunuch believes in Jesus Christ and is baptised


The Jailer & Household (Acts 16:16-34)

A. Tasked with the responsibility of watching the prisoners
(Paul & Silas)

B. Paul and Silas pray and sing hymns in jail whilst chained
in their hands and feet.

C. An earthquake causes the foundations of the prison to be
shaken, causing the prison doors to be opened and the
chains loosed from the prisoners.

D. Paul and Silas reassure the Jailer and preach the Gospel
to him and his household.

E. The jailer believes the message along with his entire

F. The jailer and household are Baptised


Service Details

Theme: The Power of The Gospel
Reading: Acts 8:4-25
Preacher: Nathan Gordon
Led by: Richard Sills

Download Sermon Here



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